Our Services
Step by Step manual on how to start
We know that starting a new business isn't easy. This manual provides step by step ways and instructions on how to start this hosting process.
One on One 90 day program
This 90 day program is an intensive and most assuring way to become a successful host for renting your property and not only making great revenue, but also getting ahead and becoming invested in multiple properties.
"We start it, you finish"
Need a kick start with starting your own listing and also obtaining a property? We're here to work hand and hand to help you get through the beginning processes. We start the property, you get the bookings !
"Not your basic" Course
This course is fundamental for anyone who is a beginner and wants to learn the tricks and hacks to becoming a great property manager to your rentals.
30 Day Follow Ups
Our company wants to see everyone of our clients succeed and that's why we doing 30 day follow ups with EVERY client to make sure the process of becoming the best host has been great for you.
Our Expertise
Personal Experience
Everyone at EZ Rentals has had experience with becoming an exceptional host for multiple properties in over 20 cities on the east coast.
We Care
We want you to be more than just a client. We intend to make you FAMILY. We will give our all to see you win throught this process.
End Results
We guarantee after taking this course you will not only know how to post your property, but to make the best revenue in your city possible for your property.